OK, so not exactly black and white so much as chocolate and white, but you get the idea. This weekend I made this half-n-half wedding cake. The bottom layer was chocolate with strawberry filling and the top two layers were white with strawberry filling. The cake was frosted with half white buttercream and half chocolate buttercream. There were also tuxedo dressed chocolate covered strawberries (which I forgot to photograph!).

This cake was really challenging for several reasons. The first, the client wanted to pick the cake up themselves so I had to make sure it was structurally
very sound. This meant lots of dowels! It was also challenging because of the half and half component. This required a lot of forethought and planning. The chocolate ganache drizzle on the outside was also a bit difficult. I had to make sure it fell just right and was worried it would melt the buttercream. But everything turned out great!

All in all, I was very happy with the outcome of the cake and most importantly, so was the client! Onto the next one for this weekend...I'm seeing mustaches, blue and chevron patterns everywhere!
Here are some process pictures...